El Nino hits Los Angeles
1月5日,美国洛杉矶迎来今年首个风暴,在洛杉矶阿罕布拉市,一辆车私家车驶过被水淹没的街道。在强大的厄尔尼诺现象影响下,加州本周将有连续强降雨,加州东部的内华达山脉则可能有近50公分的降雪。虽然这对加州对抗旱情和缺水有相当大的帮助,但气象专家表示,过多过快的降水可能会造成水灾和泥石流。新华社发 (赵汉荣摄)
A car plows through a flooded street in Alhambra, California, the United States on Tuesday, January 5, 2015. El Nino storms lined up in the Pacific, promising to drench parts of the West for more than two weeks and increasing fears of mudslides and flash floods in regions stripped bare by wildfires. (Xinhua/Zhao Hanrong)(Photo by Ringo Chiu/PHOTOFORMULA.com)
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- El Nino hits Los Angeles
![1月5日,美国洛杉矶迎来今年首个风暴,在洛杉矶阿罕布拉市,一辆车私家车驶过被水淹没的街道。在强大的厄尔尼诺现象影响下,加州本周将有连续强降雨,加州东部的内华达山脉则可能有近50公分的降雪。虽然这对加州对抗旱情和缺水有相当大的帮助,但气象专家表示,过多过快的降水可能会造成水灾和泥石流。新华社发 (赵汉荣摄)<br />
A car plows through a flooded street in Alhambra, California, the United States on Tuesday, January 5, 2015. El Nino storms lined up in the Pacific, promising to drench parts of the West for more than two weeks and increasing fears of mudslides and flash floods in regions stripped bare by wildfires. (Xinhua/Zhao Hanrong)(Photo by Ringo Chiu/PHOTOFORMULA.com)<br />
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Usage Notes: This content is intended for editorial use only. For other uses, additional clearances may be required.](https://www.ringochiuphotography.com/img-get2/I0000Ds4rRsRcsdA/fit=1000x750/20160105RC-Storms005.jpg)